I've measured my heart rate by using Fitbit Charge 5 and 4 simultaneously
I've used bland altman plot approach to build agreement between 2 devices.
Fitbit Charge 5 seems to be a biased for +0.6bpm versus Fitbit Charge 4. Devices doesnt agree well, with limits of agreement between -6.6 and 7.8 beats per minute. Trends are pretty consistent which is a good sign.
Heart rate is important biomarker which represents general health. Accurate measurements may provide some useful insights in sickness and disease detection.
The purpose of this experiment (n=1) is to compare heart data between 2 wristworn devices.
Adult male anthropometrics was described in previous article.
From 2021-10-06 to 2021-10-12 Fitbit Charge 5 and Charge 4 was weared on same hand (left) and heart rate data were collected. There were single training session (~20 minutes of rowing) and a few ~1 hour walks.
To check heart rate agreement i've decided to build Bland-Altman plots. Heart rates were compared on same resolutions. There were total ~65000 measurements during that period.
Bland-Altman plot for 1 minute average heart rate:
X and Y axis are in beats per minute
How to read this plot? Imagine we have a list of heart rate measuremens, n rows, each row contain 2 values one for FC4 and one for FC5. Then for each row we compute mean for both measures: (FC5 - FC4) / 2 and their difference (FC5 - FC4). Then we plot means on X and differences on Y.
For example, we can see that when heart rate is less than 60 bpm devices agree well (small difference FC5 - FC4). But when heart rate goes to 80 they agree less.
Black dashed line slightly above x axis indicate bias (difference between overall means). Green and red lines represents 95% limits of agreement.
Here we can see 0.6 bpm bias and wide limits of agreement [-8.7,9.9]. Thats seems like a poor agreement.
Lets build a linear regression:
Adjusted R-squared is a proportion of shared variance between both devices. We can see ~91% value which is not bad and is equal to correlation coefficient of 0.95. Devices seems to follow patterns pretty well, which is easily detected by visual inspection:
We can check how devices agree on 5 minute periods:
Limits of agreement were improved, but not too much.
This data analysis suggests a poor agreement for absolute heart rate measurement value on 1-min and 5-min resolution windows. On the other side devices share 91% of variation (R-squared) and correlation coefficient is 0.95 is pretty large which suggests that devices follow similar trend pretty well.
Welcome for questions, suggestions and critics in comments below.
Original unmodified (exported) raw data for Fitbit Charge 5 here and for Fitbit Charge 4 is here.
alpha <- 0.05
df.fc4.raw <- na.omit(read.json.dir("Data/fc4/"))
df.fc4.raw <- df.fc4.raw[df.fc4.raw$value.confidence > 0, ]
df.fc4 <- data.frame(datetime = as.POSIXct(df.fc4.raw$dateTime, tryFormats = c("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%OS")), hr = df.fc4.raw$value.bpm)
df.fc5.raw <- na.omit(read.json.dir("Data/fc5/"))
df.fc5.raw <- df.fc5.raw[df.fc5.raw$value.confidence > 0, ]
df.fc5 <- data.frame(datetime = as.POSIXct(df.fc5.raw$dateTime, tryFormats = c("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%OS")), hr = df.fc5.raw$value.bpm)
df.fc4 = df.fc4 %>%
mutate(datetime = floor_date(datetime, unit = "1 minute")) %>%
group_by(datetime) %>%
summarise(hr.fc4 = mean(hr, na.rm = TRUE))
df.fc5 = df.fc5 %>%
mutate(datetime = floor_date(datetime, unit = "1 minute")) %>%
group_by(datetime) %>%
summarise(hr.fc5 = mean(hr, na.rm = TRUE))
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
plot(df.fc4$datetime, df.fc4$hr.fc4, pch = 20, cex = .9)
plot(df.fc5$datetime, df.fc5$hr.fc5, pch = 20, cex = .9)
df <- left_join(df.fc4, df.fc5, by=c("datetime"))
df <- na.omit(df)
blandr.statistics(df$hr.fc5, df$hr.fc4, sig.level = 1 - alpha, LoA.mode = 1)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
blandr.draw(df$hr.fc5, df$hr.fc4, plotter = "rplot")
#blandr.output.report(df$hr.fc5, df$hr.fc4)
df$diff <- df$hr.fc5 - df$hr.fc4
summary(df$diff); quantile(df$diff, 0.025); quantile(df$diff, 0.975)
boot.fn <- function(data, indices) { return(mean(data[indices]))}
boot_results <- boot(df$diff, R = 1000, statistic = boot.fn); boot_results
boot.ci(boot_results, conf=1-alpha, type="perc")
lm.fit <- lm(df$hr.fc4 ~ df$hr.fc5)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
avPlots(lm.fit, ellipse = TRUE)
RStudio version 1.3.959 and R version 4.0.2.